West London Skills Summit

Employers shaping our local skills plan


Attend the West London Skills Summit to ensure your voice is heard in the creation of London’s Local Skills Improvement Plan (LSIP). 

In an exceptionally tight labour market, and with an urgency to getting our economy back to growth, setting up our skills system for success is more important than ever. 

The London Local Skills Improvement Plan (LSIP) will play a key role in tackling technical skills shortages. It will bring employers and educators together to ensure training matches West London's labour market needs.  

West London Business and West London Alliance are responsible for the sub-region's “annex” to the London LSIP. This will be an employer-led, data driven plan to match skills and training provision to employer needs locally. Funded and backed by the Department for Education, London’s LSIP will align training providers to support employers to upskill staff and fill vacancies.  

The summit is fully catered for an all-day event: breakfast, lunch and drinks reception.  We have built in 3.5hrs of networking time so you can do business with fellow employers. 

** Funding from the Department for Education and partners has allowed us to reduce attendance cost by 90% to just £10 per delegate as a small contribution towards catering throughout the day. **


  • 9am - Registration and coffee
  • 9.30am - Welcome - Summit chair: Annika Bosanquet, Director of Sustainability in Packaging, Wrapology
    • Keynotes:
    • Andrew Dakers, CEO, West London Business
    • Cllr Rawlings, Chair, West London Skills & Employment Board / Leader of Barnet Council  
    • Prof Nick Braisby, Board member, West London Universities Partnership / Vice Chancellor, Buckinghamshire New University
    • Tracy Aust, Chair, West London FE Principals Group / Principal, West Thames College
  • 10am - Sector breakout groups
    • Health & Social Care - Chair: Kim Archer (Work and Health Programme Lead, West London Alliance)
    • Creative/ Media - Chair: Bill Boler (Partnerships Director, West London Business)
    • Hospitality - Chair: Amelia Grant (Head of Membership, West London Business)
    • Retail - Chair: Sarah Spateri (Park Royal Business Group Manager)
    • Transport & Logistics - Chair: Amy Knight (HR business partner, Lucozade Ribena Suntory)
    • Manufacturing - Chair: Wilda Haddad (Project Director, Dina Foods)
  • 12noon - Lunch and networking
  • 2pm – Breakout groups; change to your second group at 3pm.
    • Digital - Chair: Vin Jauhal (Transition Coordinator, Zhero)
    • Green Skills, including construction - Chair: Paul Skitt (Skills Development Director, Flannery Plant Hire)
    • Inclusive Recruitment and In-work Progression - Chair: Eamon Scanlon (Head of Adult Learning & Skills Service, Hammersmith and Fulham Council) with Coni Buzuleac (SEND Employment Pathway Advisor, Ealing Council) and Neil Henderson (Director of Human Resources & Organisational Development, University of West London)
    • Funding System Reform - Co-chairs: Dylan McTaggart (Group Principal & Deputy CEO, HRUC College Group) and Jo Withers (Principal Harrow College, HRUC College Group) with Richard Goodwin (Managing Director, JGA Group), Ruth Smith (Principal Project Officer - Employment and Skills, Greater London Authority), Dianna Neal (Strategic Lead: Enterprise, Economy & Skills, London Councils) and Matt Snowden (Dean of Academic Partnerships (UK) and Director of Research & Enterprise Operations, University of West London)
    • Careers Advice and Essential Skills - Chair: Ndidi Edozie-Ansah (London regional lead, The Careers & Enterprise Company)
    • English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) - Chair: Andy Forbes (Head of Development Res Publica)
  • 4pm - Panel discussion - Key summit takeaways - Chair: Annika Bosanquet, Director of Sustainability in Packaging, Wrapology
    • Tracy Aust, Principal, West Thames College
    • Matt Snowden, Dean of Academic Partnerships (UK), University of West London
    • Richard Goodwin, Managing Director, JGA Group
    • Vin Jauhal, Transition Coordinator, Zhero
    • Amy Knight, HR business partner, Lucozade Ribena Suntory
    • Paul Skitt, Skills Development Director, Flannery Plant Hire
  • 4.45pm - Networking reception
  • 6pm - Depart

Parking and travel information

Parking is available at the Ealing Broadway Shopping Centre which is a 10 minute walk from the venue.

The nearest tube stations are Ealing Broadway and South Ealing.

We encourage delegates to travel by environmentally-friendly means of transport. 

Any queries, please contact Charlie.Boyd@westlondon.com